Trying to catch up on my blog! A few days ago I was tagged by annabanana to share 7 facts about myself.
So, here goes nothin'.....
The Easy Rules:
*Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
7 Random Facts:
1) As a mom of 2 sets of twins, I really kind of dig it, but would NOT suggest it!
2) Deep down, I hate that my kids have to get up and go to school - well, half of them anyways. I loved the times we had when we stayed in our jammies and played all day.
3) I really wish I got to experience natural birth with 1 child.
4) I HATE driving my mini van, and TOTALLY love to drive the suburban!
5) I wish we could move around the US more. A year here, a year there.....
6) I LOVE CHANGE! (I would rearrange my house every single day if my husband would allow it. He hates it!)
7) I would love to adopt another dog - again, if my husband would alllow it.
Ok, so thanks to the help of Nablopomo randomizer, here are the next people I tag.
* Tomorrow can wait
* Bee's Musings
* This Military Mama
* New York Portraits
* Kerry not Kelly
* Blogidy Blog
* Angelaboration~
Have Fun!!!
January 2010
15 years ago
Hi there
thanks for the tag. I've been tagged by someone else for the same meme, so I'll cite you both very soon.
Not sure I can come up with seven things (I've already listed at least 15 things so far) but I will come close.
look forward to browsing your blog!
cheers, k
I can relate to a few of yours. I had one "natural" birth although it was really anything but to be honest.
I have 4 (not twins) close in age. I love it but like you said I would not recomend it necessarily. Unless you have a lot of patience!
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