So, last time I spoke to you all, I had told you that Carson would be under going behavioral therapy, Right?
Well, me, myself, and I (Leigh and Alton, too) decided that what Carson does is not "behavioral" it's sensory. So, I've decided to set her up with an occupational therapist who has a background in sensory integration and will preform an evaluation and provide therapy.
Carson will start next week. I will post how things go.
January 2010
15 years ago
can't wait to hear how it goes!!!
i talked to my pediatric OT friend tonight and we talked about Carson....she said you are definitely starting in the right place, and if that OT thinks she needs anything else she will for sure recommend whatever she needs!! But she thought too that it was probably more sensory than behavioral (from the little info. i had to give her)...but she said there is a fine line between the 2...but working with 1 area certainly could help another!! She said mainly what she does in her practice is to help kids learn "appropriate" ways to channel their coping stragegies (i don't remember the words she used exactly), but you get what i mean!
anyway, she said if you ever have any questions feel free to email her....let me know if you want her email address :)
Happy Fat Tuesday! ( give what up for Lent tomorrow??? I was thinking about giving up smoking again...that's an easy one that I know I can accomplish, since I've never smoked a day in my life :)
Hmmm... That's a great idea - I hope you get some answers and that Carson gets some help.
i sent you an email from the cranio kids site and just don't know if it is a current address. I would like your advice about using Dr. Jensen for my son's surgery. If you have time, I have some new to this. Thanks so much
Thinking of u and looking forward to hearing more. If you do not get my e-mail, pls let me know and I will send again. (sent it to your yahoo acct.)
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