In 15 days we will be joining a kazillion people for the most exciting walk EVER! I can't WAIT!! As you can see, our shirts are HERE! ! That makes it even more exciting! Thanks Keegan for modeling - even though you didn't want too!
I know, I have said it many of times before, but I can't even begin to tell you how much this walk means to our family! Children's hospital has done so much for us. This is our chance to give back.
Something else that makes this years walk totally special, is that we are walking in memory of my friends; Michelle and Brian's little girl, Lydia, who was delivered still born in May. Lydia has a twin sister Ruby. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! Miss Ruby has downs syndrome, but it is not holding her back at all. She is growing like a weed and she has conquered rolling over!! She is a determined little girl! Go Ruby Go!!!
Ok, here is where YOU come in. This year I had decided to set my goal HIGH - $3,000!!! I was hoping that with our 2 families stories that we would be able to get pretty close to that. As of right now, I am only to $1,100. Now, I know I am not real great with math, but I do know that isn't even HALF! Come on!!! I know by my "stalker" list that there are quiet a few of you WISCONSIN. Do you have kids??? You can only hope to god that your child never needs CHW! But, if you find yourself walking through the doors of one of the greatest hospital in the world, wouldn't you want to know they have everything they need to help your child?? I sure would!
I also know that there a TON of you are not from Wisconsin, please, find a soft spot in your heart to help children like mine and the Zoromski's.
To donate, please click the donate button on my on my sidebar. As you "Stalk" us, you will be able to keep track of how well we are doing.
Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts!
Carson, Cooper, Riley, Ruby, and Lydia!